
2.7 KiB

Svelte + Appwrite = 🚀

Blazing fast development with done backend and fully-prepared frontend.

CMS ready!

Appwrite installation

Appwrite installation

Frontend included

  • tailwind
  • scss
  • css reset
  • typescript
  • routing
  • ready routes
  • oauth
  • folder structure
  • common components
  • service worker
  • path aliases
  • database realtime subscribers
  • i18n
  • cms
  • cms forms components
  • vite
  • prettier
  • editorconfig
  • icons: Bootstrap icons

Database subscribers

  import CollectionSubscriber from '$lib/database'
  import Layout from '$lib/components/Layout'
  import { Query } from 'appwrite'

  const collection = new Collection('[database-id]', '[collection-id]')
  const [subscriber, loading] = collection.subscribe([Query.limit(5)])
  const insertSubscriber = collection.subscribeInsert()
  // listen changes in database and automatically rerender on change
  // current data = [{ name: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }, ...]

  {#if $loading}
    {#each [...$subscriber, ...$insertSubscriber] as item}


  import { Router, Route, ProtectedRoute, Redirect, navigate, link, back, forward } from '$lib/router'
  import Home from './routes/home.svelte'
  import Profile from './routes/profile.svelte'
  import { isLoading, user, logout } from '$lib/auth'

  {#if !$isLoading}
      <Route path="/" component={Home}>
      <ProtectedRoute path="/profile" allow={$user?.status} fallback="/" component={Profile}>

      <a href="/about" use:link>About us</a>

Social auth

  import Layout from '$lib/components/Layout'
  import { account, url } from '$lib/stores/appwrite'

  <button on:click={() => account.createOAuth2Session('github', url.oauth.success, url.oauth.failure)}>


Locale file src/locales/en.json

  "page": {
    "home": {
      "title": "Homepage"
  import Layout from '$lib/components/Layout'
  import { _, locale, locales } from 'svelte-i18n'


    <p>Change language:</p>

    <select bind:value={$locale}>
      {#each $locales as locale}
        <option value={locale}>{locale}</option>

path aliases

$lib = src/lib

$root = /

$src = src

$cms = cms


npm run dev
npm run build
npm run preview
npm run appwrite