
62 lines
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{ pkgs, inputs, config, lib, configVars, configLib, self, ... }:
ifTheyExist = groups: builtins.filter (group: builtins.hasAttr group config.users.groups) groups;
# sopsHashedPasswordFile = lib.optionalString (lib.hasAttr "sops-nix" inputs) config.sops.secrets."${configVars.username}/password".path;
# pubKeys = lib.filesystem.listFilesRecursive (./keys);
# these are values we don't want to set if the environment is minimal. E.g. ISO or nixos-installer
# isMinimal is true in the nixos-installer/flake.nix
fullUserConfig = lib.optionalAttrs (!configVars.isMinimal)
users.users.${configVars.username} = {
# hashedPasswordFile = sopsHashedPasswordFile;
packages = [ pkgs.home-manager ];
# Import this user's personal/home configurations
home-manager.users.${configVars.username} = import ( configLib.relativeToRoot "home/${configVars.username}/${config.networking.hostName}.nix");
config = lib.recursiveUpdate fullUserConfig
#this is the second argument to recursiveUpdate
users.mutableUsers = false; # Only allow declarative credentials; Required for sops
users.users.${configVars.username} = {
isNormalUser = true;
# Default password
hashedPassword = "$6$gqmjBcKTV.mEEFHT$00sEfU1PmYpteavq3ihu5GfxWjnG3wKB56TlyhC3f/XTDg2W/SGH1d78eNRdazHR0/5wiCJmHRNgRaRAP1mpP/"; # Overridden if sops is working
extraGroups = [
] ++ ifTheyExist [
# These get placed into /etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d/<name> on nixos
# openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = lib.lists.forEach pubKeys (key: builtins.readFile key);
shell = pkgs.zsh; # default shell
# Proper root use required for borg and some other specific operations
# users.users.root = {
# hashedPasswordFile = config.users.users.${configVars.username}.hashedPasswordFile;
# password = lib.mkForce config.users.users.${configVars.username}.password;
# # root's ssh keys are mainly used for remote deployment.
# openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = config.users.users.${configVars.username}.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys;
# No matter what environment we are in we want these tools for root, and the user(s)
programs.zsh.enable = true;
programs.git.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [