{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { boot.extraModulePackages = [config.boot.kernelPackages.wireguard]; systemd.network = { enable = true; netdevs = { "10-wg0" = { netdevConfig = { Kind = "wireguard"; Name = "wg0"; MTUBytes = "1300"; }; # See also man systemd.netdev (also contains info on the permissions of the key files) wireguardConfig = { # Don't use a file from the Nix store as these are world readable. Must be readable by the systemd.network user PrivateKeyFile = "/run/keys/wireguard-privkey"; ListenPort = 9918; }; wireguardPeers = [ # configuration since nixos-unstable/nixos-24.11 { PublicKey = "Vhv/4oTMt5YYHFm3PpNC/3po1/kmjo2p8Jnk2O5zAFk="; AllowedIPs = ["fc00::1/64" ""]; Endpoint = ""; # SET TO SERVER IP, port 51820 usually iwth wg } # configuration for nixos 24.05 #{ # wireguardPeerConfig = { # PublicKey = "OhApdFoOYnKesRVpnYRqwk3pdM247j8PPVH5K7aIKX0="; # AllowedIPs = ["fc00::1/64" ""]; # Endpoint = "{set this to the server ip}:51820"; # }; #} ]; }; }; networks.wg0 = { # See also man systemd.network matchConfig.Name = "wg0"; # IP addresses the client interface will have address = [ "fe80::3/64" "fc00::3/120" "" ]; DHCP = "no"; dns = ["fc00::53"]; ntp = ["fc00::123"]; gateway = [ "fc00::1" "" ]; networkConfig = { IPv6AcceptRA = false; }; }; }; }