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# TypeScript NPM Package Template
2024-05-20 21:36:28 +00:00
This is a boilerplate to jumpstart one's next TypeScript npm package development. It utilizes various tools to streamline development, testing, and publishing processes.
## Features
**TypeScript**: For powerful type safety and improved code maintainability.
**tsup**: A fast and efficient TypeScript bundler for streamlined development.
**pnpm**: A package manager with features like workspaces and faster install times. (Optional, can be replaced with npm or yarn)
**Commitizen**: Standardizes commit messages following the Conventional Commits specification.
**ESLint**(_New flat config!_) & **Prettier**: Enforces code style and formatting consistency.
**Jest**: A popular testing framework for unit and integration tests.
**Husky**: Executes pre-commit hooks to ensure code quality and formatting before commits.
**Semantic Release**: Automates versioning and changelog generation based on commit messages.
## Getting Started
### Clone it via bash or in git\* web ui
git clone https://git.mattmor.in/Madmin/ts-npm-package-template.git $name
cd $name
sudo rm -rf .git
git init
### Install dependencies:
pnpm install # (or npm install or yarn install if you wish)
pnpm i -g commitizen cz-gitmoji
### initialize your project to use the cz-conventional-changelog adapter by typing:
# pnpm otherwise go here for more pms https://github.com/commitizen/cz-cli
commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --pnpm --save-dev --save-exact
### set Landish/cz-gitmoji as default adapter globally
echo '{ "path": "cz-gitmoji" }' > ~/.czrc
## Usage
### Building:
pnpm run build # (or npm run build or yarn build)
This creates a production-ready build of your package.
### Committing:
Use `git commit` to generate standardized commit messages with cz thanks to this config: