import { defineMDSveXConfig as defineConfig } from 'mdsvex'; import rehypeExternalLinks from 'rehype-external-links'; import rehypeAutolinkHeadings from 'rehype-autolink-headings'; import readingTime from 'mdsvex-reading-time'; import remarkUnwrapImages from 'remark-unwrap-images'; import remarkToc from 'remark-toc'; import rehypeSlug from 'rehype-slug'; import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; import { toString } from 'mdast-util-to-string'; import Slugger from 'github-slugger'; import remarkFFF from 'remark-fff'; import remarkFootnotes from 'remark-footnotes'; // import { shikiTwoslashHighlighter } from '@kitbook/mdsvex-shiki-twoslash'; // import createShikiHighlighter from './src/lib/utils/shiki-highlighter.js'; // const shiki = await createShikiHighlighter({ // theme: 'github-dark-dimmed', // showLineNumbers: (n) => true // }); // highlighter import { escapeSvelte } from 'mdsvex'; import { lex, parse as parseFence } from 'fenceparser'; import { renderCodeToHTML, runTwoSlash, createShikiHighlighter } from 'shiki-twoslash'; /** @type {import('mdsvex').MdsvexOptions} */ const config = defineConfig({ extensions: ['', '.md', '.svx'], smartypants: { dashes: 'oldschool' }, // layout: { // _: './src/lib/components/blog/Post.svelte' // }, highlight: { highlighter: async (code, lang, meta) => { let fence, twoslash; try { fence = parseFence(lex([lang, meta].filter(Boolean).join(' '))); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Could not parse the codefence for this code sample \n${code}`); } if (fence?.twoslash === true) twoslash = runTwoSlash(code, lang); return `{@html \`${escapeSvelte( renderCodeToHTML( code, lang, fence ?? {}, { themeName: 'github-dark-dimmed' }, await createShikiHighlighter({ theme: 'github-dark-dimmed' }), twoslash ) )}\` }`; } }, // highlight: { // highlighter: shiki // }, /* Wait for skeleton to implement Prismjs, for now use in .md files */ // layout: { // blog: './src/lib/components/blog/_blog-layout.svelte', // project: './src/lib/components/projects/_project-layout.svelte', // _: './src/lib/components/fallback/_layout.svelte' // }, /* Plugins */ rehypePlugins: [ [rehypeSlug], [rehypeAutolinkHeadings, { behavior: 'wrap' }], [ rehypeExternalLinks, { rel: ['nofollow', 'noopener', 'noreferrer', 'external'], target: '_blank' } ] // [ // /** Custom rehype plugin to add loading="lazy" to all images */ // () => { // return (tree) => { // visit(tree, 'element', (node) => { // if (node.tagName === 'img') { // = 'lazy'; // } // }); // }; // } // ] ], remarkPlugins: [ [remarkToc, { maxDepth: 3, tight: true }], [ remarkFFF, { presets: [], target: 'mdsvex', autofill: { provider: 'fs', path: (path) => path.replace('/src/routes/', '/urara/') }, strict: { media: { type: 'string', array: false } } } ], [readingTime, { wpm: 200 }], [remarkFootnotes, { inlineNotes: true }] // [ // headings, // { // behavior: 'append', // linkProperties: {}, // content: function (node) { // return [ // h('span.icon.icon-link header-anchor', { // ariaLabel: toString(node) + ' permalink' // }) // ]; // } // } // ], // remarkHeadingsPermaLinks, // getHeadings ] }); export default config;