
519 lines
16 KiB

{ inputs, pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [
programs.nixvim = {
enable = true;
enableMan = true; # install man pages for nixvim options
clipboard.register = "unnamedplus"; # use system clipboard instead of internal registers
# TODO: nixvim: gruvbox-material
colorschemes = {
gruvbox = {
enable = true;
contrastDark = "medium";
transparentBg = "true";
options = {
# # Lua reference:
# vim.o behaves like :set
# vim.go behaves like :setglobal
# for buffer-scoped options
# vim.wo for window-scoped options (can be double indexed)
# ========= General Appearance =========
hidden = true; # Makes vim act like all other editors, buffers can exist in the background without being in a window.
number = true; # show line numbers
relativenumber = true; # show relative linenumbers
laststatus = 0; # Display status line always
history = 1000; # Store lots of :cmdline history
showcmd = true; # Show incomplete cmds down the bottom
showmode = true; # Show current mode down the bottom
autoread = true; # Reload files changed outside vim
lazyredraw = true; # Redraw only when needed
showmatch = true; # highlight matching braces
ruler = true; # show current line and column
visualbell = true; # No sounds
listchars = "trail:·"; # Display tabs and trailing spaces visually
wrap = false; # Don't wrap lines
linebreak = true; # Wrap lines at convenient points
# ========= Font =========
guifont = "NotoSansMono:h9"; # fontname:fontsize
# ========= Cursor =========
guicursor = "n-v-c-sm:block,i-ci-ve:ver25,r-cr-o:hor20,n-v-i:blinkon0";
# ========= Redirect Temp Files =========
# backup
backupdir = "$HOME/.vim/backup//,/tmp//,.";
writebackup = false;
# swap
directory = "$HOME/.vim/swap//,/tmp//,.";
# ================ Indentation ======================
autoindent = true;
cindent = true; # automatically indent braces
smartindent = true;
smarttab = true;
shiftwidth = 4;
softtabstop = 4;
tabstop = 4;
expandtab = true;
# ================ Folds ============================
foldmethod = "indent"; # fold based on indent
foldnestmax = 3; # deepest fold is 3 levels
foldenable = false; # don't fold by default
# ================ Completion =======================
wildmode = "list:longest";
wildmenu = true; # enable ctrl-n and ctrl-p to scroll thru matches
# stuff to ignore when tab completing
wildignore = "*.o,*.obj,*~,vim/backups,sass-cache,DS_Store,vendor/rails/**,vendor/cache/**,*.gem,log/**,tmp/**,*.png,*.jpg,*.gif";
# ================ Scrolling ========================
scrolloff = 4; # Start scrolling when we're 4 lines away from margins
sidescrolloff = 15;
sidescroll = 1;
# ================ Searching ========================
incsearch = true;
hlsearch = true;
ignorecase = true;
smartcase = true;
# ================ Movement ========================
backspace = "indent,eol,start"; # allow backspace in insert mode
# ========= UI Plugins =========
# Display colors for when # FFFFFF codes are detected in buffer text.
plugins.nvim-colorizer = {
enable = true;
fileTypes = [ "*" ];
# TODO: nixvim: additional commands for alpha
# Greeter
plugins.alpha = {
enable = true;
iconsEnabled = true; # installs nvim-web-devicons.
layout = [
type = "padding";
val = 2;
type = "text";
val = [
" ______"
" / /\\"
" / /##\\"
" / /####\\"
" / /######\\"
" / /########\\"
" / /##########\\"
" / /#####/\\#####\\"
" / /#####/++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/++++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/\\+++++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/ \\+++++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/ \\+++++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/ \\+++++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/ \\+++++\\#####\\"
" / /#####/__________\\+++++\\#####\\"
" / \\+++++\\#####\\"
" \\+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\\/"
" ``````````````````````````````````"
type = "padding";
val = 2;
type = "group";
val = [
command = "<CMD>ene <CR>";
desc = " New file";
shortcut = "<Leader>cn";
command = ":qa<CR>";
desc = " Quit Neovim";
shortcut = ":q";
type = "padding";
val = 2;
opts = {
hl = "Keyword";
position = "center";
type = "text";
val = "The way out is through.";
# TODO: nixvim switch to lightline and lightline-bufferline
plugins.airline = {
enable = true;
powerline = true;
extensions = {
# TODO: nixvim: Figure out tabline extension stuff in nixvim
# TODO: nixvim: Possibly use bufferline or lightline-bufferline instead
# """" Tabline settings
# " show buffer numbers in the tab line for easier deleting
# " use :echo airline#extensions#tabline#get() to see what is actually set
# let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_tab_nr = 1
# let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tabs_label = 't'
# let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffers_label = 'b'
# let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_nr_show = 1
# " Disable showing buffer numbers for splits when using tabs. This gets quite
# " annoying if there's quite a few splits open.
# let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_splits = 0
# " Title adjustments
# "airline_symbols Show tab numbers in the tab title
# let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_nr_type = 1
# "
# " show the buffer index
# "let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_idx_mode = 1
# "
# "
# function! WindowNumber(...)
# let builder = a:1
# let context = a:2
# call builder.add_section('airline_b', '%{tabpagewinnr(tabpagenr())}')
# return 0
# endfunction
plugins.fidget = {
enable = true;
text.spinner = "triangle";
# ========= Undo history ========
# TODO: nixvim: set up alos, map to <leader>u
# plugins.undotree = {};
# ========= File Search =========
plugins.telescope = {
enable = true;
extensions.fzy-native.enable = true;
# ========= File Nav ===========
# TODO: nixvim set this one up
# plugins.harpoon = {};
# ========== Dev Tools =========
plugins.fugitive.enable = true; # vim-fugitive
# plugins.surround.enable = true; # vim-surround
# Load Plugins that aren't provided as modules by nixvim
extraPlugins = builtins.attrValues {
inherit (pkgs.vimPlugins)
# linting and fixing (config in extraConfigVim)
# TODO: nixvim: revamp setup to lua
# there is also a lightline-ale plugin/extension for lightline when you get around to it
# by default ALE completion is disabled. need to determine if it's worth enabling and ditching youcompleteme ... it likely is for simplicity!
vim-illuminate# Highlight similar words as are under the cursor
vim-numbertoggle# Use relative number on focused buffer only
range-highlight-nvim# Highlight range as specified in commandline e.g. :10,15
vimade# Dim unfocused buffers
vim-twiggy# Fugitive plugin to add branch control
vimwiki# Vim Wiki
YouCompleteMe# Code completion engine
# TODO: nixvim: make sure this is working and not conflicting with YCM
# supertab # Use <tab> for insert completion needs -
# Keep vim-devicons as last entry
# ========= Mapleader =========
globals.mapleader = ";";
# ========= Key binds =========
# MODES Key:
# "n" Normal mode
# "i" Insert mode
# "v" Visual and Select mode
# "s" Select mode
# "t" Terminal mode
# "" Normal, visual, select and operator-pending mode
# "x" Visual mode only, without select
# "o" Operator-pending mode
# "!" Insert and command-line mode
# "l" Insert, command-line and lang-arg mode
# "c" Command-line mode
keymaps = [
# TODO: nixvim: Test sudo save
# {
# # sudo save
# mode= ["c"];
# key = "w!!";
# action = "<cmd>w !sudo tee > /dev/null %<CR>";
# }
# edit vimrc
mode = [ "" ];
key = "<Leader>ve";
action = "<cmd>e ~/.config/.vimrc<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# reload vimrc
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>vr";
action = "<cmd>so $MYVIMRC<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# clear search highlighting
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<space><space>";
action = "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# ======== Movement ========
# move down through wrapped lines
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "j";
action = "gj";
options = { noremap = true; };
# move up through wrapped lines
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "k";
action = "gk";
options = { noremap = true; };
# rebind 1/2 page down
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<C-j>";
action = "<C-d>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# rebind 1/2 page up
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<C-k>";
action = "<C-u>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# move to beginning/end of line
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "E";
action = "$";
options = { noremap = true; };
# {
# # disable default move to beginning/end of line
# mode = ["n"];
# key = "$";
# action = "<nop>";
# }
# =========== Fugitive Plugin =========
# quick git status
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>gs";
action = "<cmd>G<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# quick merge command: take from right page (tab 3) upstream
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>gj";
action = "<cmd>diffget //3<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# quick merge command: take from left page (tab 2) head
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>gf";
action = "<cmd>diffget //2<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# ========== Telescope Plugin =========
# find files
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>ff";
action = "<cmd>Telescope find_files<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# live grep
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>fg";
action = "<cmd>Telescope live_grep<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# buffers
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>fb";
action = "<cmd>Telescope buffers<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# help tags
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>fh";
action = "<cmd>Telescope help_tags<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
# ========= Twiggy =============
# toggle display twiggy
mode = [ "n" ];
key = "<Leader>tw";
action = ":Twiggy<CR>";
options = { noremap = true; };
extraConfigVim = ''
" ================ Persistent Undo ==================
" Keep undo history across sessions, by storing in file.
" Only works all the time.
if has('persistent_undo')
silent !mkdir ~/.vim/backups > /dev/null 2>&1
set undodir=~/.vim/backups
set undofile
" ================ Vim Wiki config =================
" See :h vimwiki_list for info on registering wiki paths
let wiki_0 = {}
let wiki_0.path = '~/'
let wiki_0.index = 'home'
let wiki_0.syntax = 'markdown'
let wiki_0.ext = '.md'
" fill spaces in page names with _ in pathing
let wiki_0.links_space_char = '_'
let wiki_1 = {}
let wiki_1.path = '~/doc/foundry/'
let wiki_1.index = 'home'
let wiki_1.syntax = 'markdown'
let wiki_1.ext = '.md'
" fill spaces in page names with _ in pathing
let wiki_1.links_space_char = '_'
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki_0, wiki_1]
" let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki_0, wiki_1, wiki_2]
" ================ Ale ========================
" linter and fixer packages have to be installed via AUR or pamac
let g:ale_linters = {
\ 'c': ['clang-tidy'],
\ 'python': ['flake8'],
\ 'vim': ['vint'],
\ 'markdown': ['markdownlint'],
\ }
let g:ale_fixers = {
\ 'c': ['clang-format'],
\ 'javascript': ['prettier', 'eslint'],
\ 'json': ['fixjson', 'prettier'],
\ 'python': ['black', 'isort'],
\ }
" Set global fixers for all file types except Markdown
" Why? because double spaces at the end of a line in markdown indicate a
" linebreak without creating a new paragraph
function! SetGlobalFixers()
let g:ale_fixers['*'] = ['trim_whitespace', 'remove_trailing_lines']
augroup GlobalFixers
autocmd VimEnter * call SetGlobalFixers()
augroup END
" Set buffer-local fixers for Markdown files
augroup MarkdownFixers
autocmd FileType markdown let b:ale_fixers = ['prettier']
augroup END
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
# extraConfigLua = ''
# -- ========= Colorscheme Overrides ==========
# -- Override cursor color and blink for nav and visual mode
# vim.cmd("highlight Cursor guifg=black guibg=orange");
# -- Override cursor color for insert mode
# vim.cmd("highlight iCursor guifg=black guibg=orange");
# '';
# # Syntax support
# vim-polyglot # a collection of language packs for vim
# # The following are commented out because they are already included in vim-polyglot
# # but in case poly-glot fails I want to be able to quickly enable what I need.
# haskell-vim
# plantuml-syntax
# pgsql-vim
# python-syntax
# rust-vim
# vim-markdown
# vim-nix
# vim-terraform
# vim-toml