{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: let hyprland = pkgs.inputs.hyprland.hyprland.override {wrapRuntimeDeps = false;}; xdph = pkgs.inputs.hyprland.xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland.override {inherit hyprland;}; in { imports = [ # custom key binds ./binds.nix ]; # NOTE: xdg portal package is currently set in /hosts/common/optional/hyprland.nix wayland.windowManager.hyprland = { enable = true; # systemd = { # enable = true; # # TODO: experiment with whether this is required. # # Same as default, but stop the graphical session too # extraCommands = lib.mkBefore [ # "systemctl --user stop graphical-session.target" # "systemctl --user start hyprland-session.target" # ]; # }; # plugins = [];v settings = { env = [ "NIXOS_OZONE_WL, 1" # for ozone-based and electron apps to run on wayland "MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND, 1" # for firefox to run on wayland "MOZ_WEBRENDER, 1" # for firefox to run on wayland "XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland" "WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS,1" "WLR_RENDERER_ALLOW_SOFTWARE,1" # "QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland" ]; # general = { # gaps_in = 8; # gaps_out = 5; # border_size = 3; # cursor_inactive_timeout = 4; # }; # # input = { # kb_layout = "us"; # # mouse = { # # acceleration = 1.0; # # naturalScroll = true; # # }; # }; # # decoration = { # active_opacity = 0.94; # inactive_opacity = 0.75; # fullscreen_opacity = 1.0; # # rounding = 7; # blur = { # enabled = false; # size = 5; # passes = 3; # new_optimizations = true; # ignore_opacity = true; # }; # drop_shadow = false; # shadow_range = 12; # shadow_offset = "3 3"; # "col.shadow" = "0x44000000"; # "col.shadow_inactive" = "0x66000000"; # }; # exec-once = ''${startupScript}/path''; }; # load at the end of the hyperland set # extraConfig = '' ''; }; # # TODO: move below into individual .nix files with their own configs # home.packages = builtins.attrValues { # inherit (pkgs) # nm-applet --indicator & # notification manager applet. # bar # waybar # closest thing to polybar available # where is polybar? not supported yet: https://github.com/polybar/polybar/issues/414 # eww # alternative - complex at first but can do cool shit apparently # # # Wallpaper daemon # hyprpaper # swaybg # wpaperd # mpvpaper # swww # vimjoyer recoomended # nitrogen # # # app launcher # rofi-wayland; # wofi # gtk rofi # }; }