import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto'; import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'; import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'; import path from 'path'; import { mdsvex } from 'mdsvex'; import headings from 'remark-autolink-headings'; import remarkExternalLinks from 'remark-external-links'; import slug from 'remark-slug'; import remarkSetImagePath from './src/lib/utils/remark-set-image-path.js'; import remarkEmbedVideo from './src/lib/utils/remark-embed-video.js'; import remarkLinkWithImageAsOnlyChild from './src/lib/utils/remark-link-with-image-as-only-child.js'; import remarkHeadingsPermaLinks from './src/lib/utils/remark-headings-permalinks.js'; import { toString } from 'mdast-util-to-string'; import rehypeWrap from 'rehype-wrap-all'; import rehypeImgSize from 'rehype-img-size'; import { highlightCode } from './src/lib/utils/highlight.js'; import { mdsvexGlobalComponents } from './src/lib/utils/mdsvex-global-components.js'; import { h } from 'hastscript'; import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; import getHeadings from './src/lib/utils/get-headings.js'; const mdsvexOptions = { extensions: ['.md'], highlight: { highlighter: highlightCode, }, rehypePlugins: [ [ rehypeWrap, { selector: 'table', wrapper: 'div.overflow-auto' }, ], [rehypeImgSize, { dir: './static' }], [ /** Custom rehype plugin to add loading="lazy" to all images */ () => { return (tree) => { visit(tree, 'element', (node) => { if (node.tagName === 'img') { = 'lazy'; } }); }; }, ], ], remarkPlugins: [ [ remarkExternalLinks, { target: '_blank', }, ], slug, [ headings, { behavior: 'append', linkProperties: {}, content: function (node) { return [ h('span.icon.icon-link header-anchor', { ariaLabel: toString(node) + ' permalink', }), ]; }, }, ], remarkSetImagePath, remarkLinkWithImageAsOnlyChild, remarkHeadingsPermaLinks, getHeadings, [ remarkEmbedVideo, { width: 800, height: 400, noIframeBorder: true, }, ], ], }; /** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */ const config = { extensions: ['.svelte', '.md'], // Consult // for more information about preprocessors preprocess: [ vitePreprocess(), preprocess({ postcss: true }), mdsvexGlobalComponents({ dir: `$lib/components`, list: [['CodeFence', 'code-fence.svelte']], extensions: ['.md'], }), mdsvex(mdsvexOptions) ], vitePlugin: { inspector: true, }, kit: { // adapter-auto only supports some environments, see for a list. // If your environment is not supported or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter. // See for more information about adapters. adapter: adapter({ runtime: 'nodejs18.x' }), alias: { $lib: path.resolve('src', 'lib'), $root: path.resolve('/'), $src: path.resolve('src'), $routes: path.resolve('src', 'routes'), $content: path.resolve('src', 'content') }, prerender: { handleHttpError: ({ path, referrer, message }) => { // ignore deliberate link to shiny 404 page if (path === '/not-found' && referrer === '/404') { return; } // otherwise fail the build throw new Error(message); } } } }; export default config;