copying over previously used components

This commit is contained in:
matthieu42morin 2024-04-28 14:53:45 +02:00
parent 38a1e787c6
commit c6be61d1e8
12 changed files with 525 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<script lang="ts">
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d="M326.8 380.1c-8.2.1-15.4 5.8-17.3 13.8-1.9 8 2 16.3 9.1 20 7.7 4 17.5 1.8 22.7-5.4 5.1-7.1 4.3-16.9-1.8-23.1l24-49.1c1.5.1 3.7.2 6.2-.5 4.1-.9 7.1-3.6 7.1-3.6 4.2 1.8 8.6 3.8 13.2 6.1 4.8 2.4 9.3 4.9 13.4 1.8 1.1 2.8 1.9 1.6 1.3 3.4 3.1 4.7 5.5 1.9 5.5-1.9 14.9-1.9 14.9-2.3 7.6-18.4 40.6-18.4 40.6-8.1-.2-15.3 5-17.7 12.5-2.6 8.1 1.1 17.3 8.9 21.3 7.8 4 17.4 1.7 22.5-5.3 5-6.8 4.6-16.3-1.1-22.6 1.9-3.7 3.7-7.4 5.6-11.3 5-10.4 13.5-30.4 13.5-30.4.9-1.7 5.7-10.3 2.7-21.3-2.5-11.4-12.6-16.7-12.6-16.7-12.2-7.9-29.2-15.2-29.2-15.2s0-4.1-1.1-7.1c-1.1-3.1-2.8-5.1-3.9-6.3 4.7-9.7 9.4-19.3 14.1-29-4.1-2-8.1-4-12.2-6.1-4.8 9.8-9.7 19.7-14.5 29.5-6.7-.1-12.9 3.5-16.1 9.4-3.4 6.3-2.7 14.1 1.9 19.8l-24.6 50.4z"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { modeCurrent } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
let clazz = 'w-6 md:w-12';
let fillStyle = 'fill: #000000';
$: {
fillStyle = $modeCurrent ? 'fill: #000000' : 'fill: #ffffff';
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<script lang="ts">
import type { Tag } from '$lib/types/post';
export let selected: Tag | null = null;
export let className = '';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
const tags: Tag[] = ['Blog', 'Projects', 'Updates'];
const clickHandler = (value: Tag) => {
if (value === selected) {
goto(`/blog`, { keepFocus: true, noScroll: true });
selected = '';
let query = new URLSearchParams($page.url.searchParams.toString());
query.set('tag', value);
goto(`?${query.toString()}`, { keepFocus: true, noScroll: true });
selected = value;
<section class="flex justify-center flex-col items-center {className}">
<h3 class="h3 mb-2 md:mb-3">Sort by category</h3>
<ul class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-2">
{#each tags as option}
class="chip {option === selected
? 'variant-filled-primary'
: 'variant-soft-primary'}"
on:click={() => clickHandler(option)}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<script lang="ts">
import Preview from '$lib/components/blog/Preview.svelte';
import CategoryFilter from '$lib/components/blog/CategoryFilter.svelte';
import type { Post, Tag } from '$lib/types/post';
import { H_ELLIPSIS_ENTITY } from '$lib/constants';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import type { PageData } from './$types';
export let data: PageData;
export let posts: Post[] = [];
let filter: Tag | null = null;
export const displayAmount = 8;
$: showPosts = displayAmount;
$: postCount = posts.length;
$: posts = data.posts.filter((post: Post) => (filter ? post.tags?.includes(filter) : true));
$: displayPosts = posts.slice(displayAmount);
const handleClick = () => {
showPosts += displayAmount;
onMount(() => {
const tagParam = $page.url.searchParams.get('tag');
if (!filter && typeof tagParam == 'string') {
filter = tagParam as Tag;
<section role="feed">
<div class="space-y-8">
<header class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center">
<h1 class="h1 m-4">Blog</h1>
<CategoryFilter className="mb-2 md:mb-4" bind:selected={filter} />
class="grid m-auto max-w-7xl w-full gap-6 grid-cols-none justify-center md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3"
{#each posts.slice(0, displayAmount) as post, index}
class="flex justify-center min-w-[20rem] max-w-sm"
aria-posinset={index + 1}
<Preview {post} type="blog" />
<p>No posts yet!</p>
{#if posts.slice(displayAmount).length > 0}
<h2 class="mb-4 text-center">Previous posts</h2>
class="previous grid m-auto max-w-7xl w-full gap-6 grid-cols-none justify-center md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3"
{#each displayPosts as post}
<div class="flex justify-center min-w-[20rem] max-w-sm">
<Preview {post} type="blog" />
{#if showPosts < postCount}
<button type="submit" on:click={handleClick}>See more {H_ELLIPSIS_ENTITY}</button>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<!-- <script lang="ts" context="module">
import Image from '$lib/components/prose/img.svelte'
import table from '$lib/components/prose/table.svelte'
export { Image as img, table }
<script lang="ts">
import { typeOfPost } from '$lib/utils/posts'
import Container from '$lib/components/blog/post_container.svelte'
// auto-generated
export let path
export let slug
export let toc
// common
export let created
export let updated
export let published
export let summary
export let tags
export let flags
// specify
export let title
export let image
export let in_reply_to
// post
let fm = { path, slug, toc, created, updated, published, summary, tags, flags, title, image, in_reply_to }
let post = { type: typeOfPost(fm), }
</script> -->
<article class="text-token prose prose-slate mx-auto dark:prose-invert lg:prose-lg">
<slot />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
<script lang="ts">
import SEO from '$lib/components/SEO/index.svelte';
import '$lib/assets/prism-nord.css';
import type { Post } from '$lib/types/post';
import Tags from '$lib/components/blog/Tags.svelte';
export let post: Post;
const {
seoMetaDescription: metadescription,
} = post || {};
const breadcrumbs = [
{ name: 'Home', slug: '' },
{ name: 'type', slug: post.type },
{ name: postTitle, slug }
<section class="flex justify-center mt-4 mb-8">
class=" w-full md:w-[50rem] leading-[177.7%] bg-white/50 dark:bg-black/50 m-2 rounded-t-lg mx-auto"
class=" w-full aspect-[21/9] max-h-[540px] rounded-t-lg"
<Tags {post} />
<div class="space-y-4 m-8">
<h2 class="h2" data-toc-ignore>{post.title}</h2>
<div class="max-w-none md:w-[720px]">
<slot />
<hr class="opacity-50" />
<footer class="p-4 flex justify-start items-center space-x-4" />
<style lang="postcss">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { isAnExternalLink, generateURL } from '$lib/utils/helpers';
import type { Post } from '$lib/types/post';
import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import { formatDate } from '$lib/utils/blog';
export let type: Post['type'];
export let post: Post;
// export let published: boolean;
// export let headlineOrder: 'h3' | '' = '';
// export let badge: string = '';
// export let textWidth: string = '';
//window width
let iteration = 0;
let interval: string | number | NodeJS.Timeout | undefined;
onMount(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (iteration === 50) {
}, 1000);
$: href = generateURL(post['href'], post.type, post.slug);
$: target = post && post['href'] && isAnExternalLink(post['href']) ? '_blank' : undefined;
onDestroy(() => {
class="card bg-gradient-to-br variant-glass-primary card-hover overflow-hidden flex flex-col space-y-4"
<!-- Blog in long cols, projects in wide rows -->
<div class="flex {type === 'blog' ? 'flex-col' : 'flex-row'} justify-between w-full h-full">
<!-- <img
class="bg-black/200 w-full aspect-[3/2]"
alt="Post preview"
/> -->
class="bg-black/200 h-[448px] w-[672px] aspect-[3/2]"
<section class="p-4 space-y-4">
<h2 class="h2 text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" data-toc-ignore>{post.title}</h2>
<article class="text-ellipsis break-words overflow-hidden max-h-[128px] max-w-4">
<!-- cspell:disable -->
<!-- cspell:enable -->
<hr class="opacity-30 bg-tertiary-500" />
<footer class="p-4 flex justify-between">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2">
{#if post.tags && post.tags.length > 0}
<small>tags: </small>
{#each post.tags as tag}
href="/blog?{new URLSearchParams({ tag }).toString()}"
class="chip variant-glass-secondary"
<p class="text-md text-token">{tag}</p>
<div class="mt-auto">
{#if post.datePublished}
<span class="text-sm ml-4">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<script lang="ts">
import type { Post } from '$lib/types/post';
import { formatDate } from '$lib/utils/blog';
export let post: Post;
<section class="flex-auto flex justify-between items-center py-4 px-2 m-8">
{#if post.tags && post.tags.length > 0}
<div class="flex mb-2 items-center gap-2">
tags: {#each post.tags as tag}
href="/{post.type}{new URLSearchParams({ tag }).toString()}"
<span class="chip variant-ghost-surface">{tag}</span>
<small>On {formatDate(post.datePublished)}</small>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { getDrawerStore, Drawer } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
const drawerStore = getDrawerStore();
import { NavRoutes } from '$lib/config';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
$: classesDrawer = $ === 'mobile-nav' ? 'md:hidden' : '';
<Drawer class={classesDrawer}>
{#if $ === 'demo'}
<!-- Doc Sidebar -->
{:else if $ === 'mobile-nav'}
<!-- Drawer nav only -->
class="z-50 flex flex-col gap-2 border border-surface-100-800-token bg-surface-50/50 dark:bg-surface-900/50 backdrop-blur-lg rounded-bl-container-token rounded-br-container-token p-2 shadow-xl"
{#each NavRoutes as route}
class="btn md:btn-sm hover:variant-soft-primary {route.href ===
? 'variant-filled-primary'
: ''}">{route.title}</a
<!-- Fallback Error -->
<div class="w-full h-full flex justify-center items-center">
<div class="text-center space-y-2">
<p>Invalid <code class="code">$</code> provided.</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<script lang="ts">
import GiteaLogo from '$lib/assets/logos/GiteaLogo.svelte';
import SocialsCloud from '$lib/components/SocialsCloud.svelte';
const year = new Date().getFullYear();
class="page-footer bg-surface-50 dark:bg-surface-900 border-t border-surface-500/10 text-xs mt-4 md:text-base"
<SocialsCloud />
<hr class="opacity-20" />
<div class="w-full max-w-7xl mx-auto p-4 md:py-8 flex items-center justify-center">
<!-- <div class="container px-5 py-8 mx-auto flex items-center sm:flex-row flex-col"> -->
<a class="items-center md:justify-start justify-center" href="/">
<p class="sm:pl-4 text-base sm:py-2 sm:mt-0 mt-4 text-center">
All content on this website, unless otherwise stated,
<br />by Matthieu Morin, is under copyright © {year},
<br />all of it licensed under
class="anchor font-bold"
href="">CC BY-SA 4.0</a
<br />This site, coded by me, is
class="font-bold anchor"
>MIT Licensed</a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { LightSwitch, Avatar, getDrawerStore } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
import type { DrawerSettings } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
const drawerStore = getDrawerStore();
// Components
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { NavRoutes } from '$lib/config';
function triggerStyled() {
const drawerSettings: DrawerSettings = {
position: 'top',
id: 'mobile-nav',
// Provide your property overrides:
bgDrawer: 'overflow-y-auto ',
'z-50 bg-gradient-to-tr from-primary-500/50 via-secondary-500/50 to-tertiary-500/50',
width: 'w-full h-auto ',
rounded: 'rounded-bl-container-token rounded-br-container-token'
// Metadata
// meta: ''
class="!max-w-7xl mx-auto grid grid-cols-[1fr_auto_auto]
md:grid-cols-[48px_1fr_48px] md:place-items-center items-center gap-4 p-4"
<a href="/" title="Return to Homepage">
<Avatar src={'/images/profile-pic.png'} width="w-16" rounded={'rounded-full'} />
<section id="mobile-nav" class="hidden md:block">
class="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-2 border md:border-0 border-surface-100-800-token bg-surface-50/50 dark:bg-surface-900/50 backdrop-blur-lg rounded-bl-container-token rounded-br-container-token md:rounded-token p-2 shadow-xl"
{#each NavRoutes as route}
class="btn md:btn-sm hover:variant-soft-primary {route.href ===
? 'variant-filled-primary'
: ''}"
<section class="block md:hidden" id="mobile-nav">
<button class="btn variant-filled-primary" on:click={triggerStyled}>
<i class="fa-solid fa-bars" /> <span>Menu</span>
<LightSwitch />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<script lang="ts">
import socials from '$lib/socialsObjects';
export let mail: string = socials[0].href;
export let clazz: string = '';
export let iconClazz: string = '';
export let h: number = 16;
export let w: number = 16;
<div class={` ${clazz}`}>
<svg xmlns="" lang="en-GB" aria-labelledby="title">
<title id="title">Send me a mail!</title>
<defs />
<a href="mailto:{mail}" target="" rel="noreferrer" aria-label="Send me a mail!">
<rect class="fill-current text-transparent" width="100%" height="100%" />
<foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
<div class="email-icon-wrapper">
<i class={`${iconClazz} `} />
<style lang="postcss">
.email-icon-wrapper {
@apply flex items-center justify-center w-full h-full;