/** * Copyright © 2014-2022 HashiCorp, Inc. * * This Source Code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this project, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ variable "aws_region" { description = "AWS region to deploy resources into" type = string default = "eu-north-1" } variable "azs" { description = "availability zones to use in AWS region" type = list(string) } variable "shared_san" { description = "This is a shared server name that the certs for all Vault nodes contain. This is the same value you will supply as input to the Vault installation module for the leader_tls_servername variable." type = string default = "vault.great-hyperlobic-omnicognate-neutron-wrangler.space" } variable "tags" { description = "Tags for VPC resources" type = map(string) default = {} } variable "resource_name_prefix" { description = "Resource name prefix used for tagging and naming AWS resources" type = string default = "prod" } # === Bastion === variable "bastion_bucket_name" { description = "Bucket name where the bastion will store the logs" type = string default = "omnicognate-vault-bastion-access-logs" } variable "create_dns_record" { description = "True or false?" type = bool default = true } variable "hosted_zone_id" { description = "Name of the hosted zone where we'll register the bastion DNS name" type = string default = "vault.great-hyperlobic-omnicognate-neutron-wrangler.space" } variable "bastion_record_name" { description = "" type = string default = "vault.vault.great-hyperlobic-omnicognate-neutron-wrangler.space" } variable "common_tags" { type = map(string) description = "(Optional) Map of common tags for all taggable AWS resources." default = { "project" = "vault" } } variable "use_latest_ami" { description = "Use the latest AMI for bastion?" type = bool default = true } variable "user_supplied_ami_id" { description = "User-provided AMI ID to use with bastion." type = string default = "ami-0506d6d51f1916a96" } variable "bastion_instance_type" { description = "The instance type to use for the bastion" type = string default = "t3.micro" } variable "key_name" { description = "(Optional) key pair to use for SSH access to instance" type = string default = "Vault" }