# Svelte + Appwrite = 🚀 ## Appwrite svelte template Blazing fast development with done backend and fully-prepared frontend. CMS ready! ## Appwrite installation [Appwrite installation](https://appwrite.io/docs/installation) ## Frontend included * tailwind * scss * css reset * typescript * routing * ready routes * oauth * files upload, download * folder structure * common components * service worker * path aliases * database realtime subscribers * database paginate, infinity scroll * i18n * cms * cms forms components * vite * prettier * editorconfig * icons: [Bootstrap icons](https://icons.getbootstrap.com/) ## Database subscribers ```svelte
{#if $loading}

Loading data from database...

{:else} {#each [...$subscriber, ...$insertSubscriber] as item}


{/each} {/if}
{#each $scrollData as item}


console.log(e) /* on every fetch from scroll dispatcher do some action */} />
``` ## Files subscribers ```svelte
``` ## Routing Routes can be added in `__routes.ts` file. Every route is fetched lazyly. ```ts export default defineRoutes({ routes: [ { path: '/', component: () => import('$routes/index.svelte'), before: () => get(user).isLoggedIn && navigate('/dashboard') // before route is rendered call before function }, { path: '/oauth', component: () => import('$routes/oauth/index.svelte') }, { path: '/oauth/failure', component: () => import('$routes/oauth/failure.svelte'), loading: LoadingCircle // loading component can be choosed for every route }, { path: '/oauth/success', component: () => import('$routes/oauth/success.svelte'), layout: LayoutReset // layout component can be choosed for every route }, ], layout: Layout, // default layout component (__layout.svelte) loading: Loading, // default loading component (__loading.svelte) }) ``` ### Routes structure `__layout.svelte` the default layout for every page `__error.svelte` the error page (404 error) `__loading.svelte` the default loading component `__routes.ts` the file includes all routes in application ## Social auth ```svelte
``` ## i18n Locale file `src/locales/en.json` ```json { "page": { "home": { "title": "Appwrite svelte rocket start 🚀" } } } ``` ```svelte


Change language:

``` ## path aliases `$lib` = `src/lib` `$root` = `/` `$src` = `src` `$cms` = `src/cms` `$routes` = `src/routes` ## commands ```bash npm run dev ``` ```bash npm run build ``` ```bash npm run preview ``` ```bash npm run appwrite ```