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matthieu42morin 2024-04-17 18:53:10 +02:00
parent e08edb6e0e
commit fd5cf9bd28
1 changed files with 224 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,226 @@
# Academic-cv
I changed some things from the AltaCV template in LaTeX.
## My Adjustments
Languages use "The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)" not stupid circles like all CVs do for some reason.
Location in \cvevents is irrelevant for me, most of my work is across a wide region or online, I switched to links.
Added a motivation statement and some links
A template for compact links is added.
I switched the day of my life to the right col.
## Problems
Links have some weird margin behavior, couldn't figure how to change it.
## FORKED AltaCV, yet another LaTeX CV/Résumé class
v1.7.1 (25 Aug 2023), by LianTze Lim (
* v1.7 (9 Aug 2023) changes:
- `\itemmarker` and `\ratingmarker` renamed to `\cvItemMarker` and `\cvRatingMarker`
- Added `\cvLocationMarker` and `\cvDateMarker` so that these icons in `\cvevent`
can be re-defined
- Added `\locationname` and `\datename` for replacement text of the location and date
markers in `\cvevent`
- Other tweaks with `accsupp` (with another bugfix in v1.7.1.)
* Added `\mynames{...}` to specify names to be highlighted in the publication list on 3 Nov 2022
* Starred `\NewInfoField*` command to handle Mastodon; Icons, `\cvskills`, `\wheelchart` have "copyable" text values; `\cvskill` supports numerical values {0.5, 1, ..., 4.5, 5} on 21 May 2021
* Moved `biblatex`-related code to `*.cfg` files for easier edit on 8 May 2021
* Removed dependency on `academicons` on 12 Apr 2021
* Clickable hyperlinked info fields added on 10 May 2020
* Sample file with new `paracol` layout added on 2 February 2020
(Thanks to [Nur]( for the name.)
It all started with this:
[<img src="tweet-that-started-this.png" width="500px">](
Leonardo was talking about a [résumé of Marissa Mayer that Business Insider put together]( using [](
I _knew_ I had to do something about it. And so AltaCV was born.
## Samples
This is how the re-created résumé looks like ([view/open on Overleaf](
<img src="mmayer.png" alt="Marissa Mayer's résumé, re-created with AltaCV" width="600px">
Though if you're creating your own CV/résumé, you'd probably prefer using the basic template ([view/open on Overleaf](
<img src="sample.png" alt="sample barebones AltaCV template" width="600px">
## Requirements and Compilation
* pdflatex + biber + pdflatex
* AltaCV uses [`fontawesome5`](
* Use the `normalphoto` option to get normal (i.e. non-circular) photos.
* As of v1.2 you can add multiple photos on the left or right: `\photoL{2cm}{logo1}` and `\photoR{2.5cm}{logo2,photo}`. (`\photo` will work like `\photoR`.) Separate your image filenames with commas _without_ spaces.
* Use the `ragged2e` option to activate hyphenations while keeping text left-justified; line endings will thus be less jagged and more aesthetically pleasing.
* As of v1.3 the `withhyper` document class option will make the "personal info" fields into clickable hyperlinks (where it makes sense). See below for more details.
* Can now be compiled with pdflatex, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX!
* Note that to compile with XeLaTeX, you should use a command line as follows, per [the `pdfx` documentation]( `xelatex -shell-escape -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -z 0" sample.tex`
* The samples here use the [Lato]( and [Roboto Slab fonts]( Feel free to use a different typeface package instead—often a different typeface will change the entire CV's feel.
## `sample.tex` ##
This file was first created as `sample-alt.tex` on 2 Feb 2020. **It is the default sample LaTeX file since 10 May 2020.**
Many users have overlooked the optional argument of `\cvsection` to insert the right sidebar contents, and often confused that the right sidebar doesn't automatically break across pages. This new layout uses the `paracol` package for typesetting the left and right columns that _can_ break across pages. It also makes changing the column widths easier:
%% Set the left/right column width ratio to 6:4.
% Start a 2-column paracol. Both the left and right columns will automatically
% break across pages if things get too long.
% Now switch to the right column.
You can also use `\swithcolumn*` for "synchronising" the columns, as well as other commands from the `paracol` package. See the [`paracol` package documentation]( for further details.
**You do not need use the `fullwidth` environment nor use optional arguments with `\cvsection` with this new template.**
## Clickable Info fields
As of v1.3, the `withhyper` document class option will load the `hyperref` package, and make fields in the personal detail fields into clickable hyperlinks (where it makes sense anyway).
*BIG CAVEAT:* Remember that not all readers may want to click on hyperlinks in PDFs. You may therefore sometimes want to _remove_ `withhyper`, and spell out the field URL details a bit more completely, e.g. `\github{}`.
Anyway assuming that you _do_ keep `withhyper` enabled: For each field e.g. `\homepage{}`, a `\homepagesymbol` has been defined, and the clickable hyperlink is generated by prepending the `\homepagehyperprefix` to ``. The `\homepgehyperprefix` is defined to be `\https://`, so this generates the hyperlink ``.
If your homepage doesn't use HTTPS yet, or if you want to use a different symbol, you can re-define them with
## New Information Fields ####
I've decided against adding definitions for too many fields and symbols in the `.cls` itself; otherwise we'll have all possible platforms in the world (and more services are born everyday!) within `altacv.cls` before we know it.
You can actually just typeset your own arbitrary information fields using the `\printinfo{symbol}{detail}[optional hyperlink prefix]` command within `\personalinfo`:
\printinfo{\faPaw}{Hey ho!}
Or if you really prefer, you can define a new field yourself with `\NewInfoFiled{fieldname}{symbol}[optional hyperlink prefix]` before using it:
For services and platforms like Mastodon where there isn't a straightforward relation between the more popular user ID or nickname and the hyperlink, you can use `\printinfo` directly e.g.
But if you absolutely want to create new dedicated info fields for such platforms, then use `\NewInfoField*` with a star:
then you can use `\mastodon` with TWO arguments where the 2nd argument is the full hyperlink.
## Configurable colours
Use `\colorlet` or `\definecolor` to change these; see examples
in preamble of `sample.tex`.
* `accent`
* `emphasis`
* `heading`
* `headingrule`
* `subheading`
* `body`
* `name`
* `tagline`
## Configurable fonts
Use `\renewcommand` to change these; see examples in preamble of
* `\namefont`
* `\taglinefont`
* `\personalinfofont`
* `\cvsectionfont`
* `\cvsubsectionfont`
## Configurable icons
Use `\renewcommand` to change these; see examples in preamble of
* `\cvItemMarker` (bullets for `itemize`)
* `\cvRatingMarker` (for `\cvskill`)
* `\cvDateMarker` (for date in `\cvevent`)
* `\cvLocationMarker` (for location in `\cvevent` and `\location`)
## Is this template ATS-friendly?
There is some discussion about this in issue #76. No actual claims are made, because we don't really know how each ATS system works. But this template uses `accsupp` to add replacement text for the icons, which may help — e.g. the `\faGithub` icon rendered in the PDF would copy-and-paste from Acrobat Reader, as exactly the text `\faGithub`.
You could try running `pdftotext -raw sample.pdf` to view the text-only version of the CV, with the columnar layout removed.
Alternatively running `pdftotext -layout sample.pdf` to view the text-only version in a pseudo-two-column layout.
In particular `\locationname` and `\datename` hold the replacement text for the location and date/duration icon in `\cvevent`. These can be re-defined especially if your CV is in a non-English language, e.g. Spanish (see commented examples in preamble of `sample.tex`):
## `legacy/sample-old.tex` (for historical record only)
This was the original sample template file until 5 May 2020. The right sidebar is actually a _`marginpar`_, so it doesn't support footnote and cannot automatically break across pages if it's too long. You would need to split your right sidebar contents into separate files e.g. `p1sidebar.tex` and `p2sidebar.tex`, and insert them as the optional argument of the `\cvsection{...}` that you want to align them with:
This assumes that the next page's main column would start immediately with a `\cvsection`, so that the top of your right sidebar contents also appear at the top of the page. Now if the _next_ page doesn't start with a `\cvsection` but you'd still like to add a sidebar, then use this command on the _current_ page to add it. The optional argument lets you pull up the sidebar a bit so that it looks aligned with the top of the main column:
If you want to change the left and right columns' widths, you'll need to tinker with the `right` (distance from paper's right edge until the main column's right edge) and `marginparwidth` (width of the right sidebar) options in the `\geometry` line. For example, to make the right sidebar wider by 2cm, you could use
%% original was right=9cm, marginparwidth=6.8cm
as well as doing a bit of arithmetic when you're making the header to get it full-width, i.e. reducing the sidebar by 2cm and extending the main column by 2cm.
\begin{adjustwidth}{}{-10cm} %% original was -8cm