# Organization variable "main_project_tag" { description = "Tag that will be attached to all resources." type = string default = "vault-deployment" } # AWS Provider variable "aws_profile" { description = "The AWS Profile to use for this project." type = string default = "default" } variable "aws_default_region" { description = "The default region to deploy vault." type = string default = "us-east-1" } # Vault Version variable "vault_version" { description = "Version of vault to use." type = string default = "1.4.0" } # AWS VPC variable "vpc_cidr" { description = "Cidr block for the VPC. Using a /16 or /20 Subnet Mask is recommended." type = string default = "" } variable "vpc_instance_tenancy" { description = "Tenancy for instances launched into the VPC" type = string default = "default" } variable "vpc_enable_dns_support" { description = "Whether the DNS resolution is supported. Required as True for VPC endpoint usage." type = bool default = true } variable "vpc_enable_dns_hostnames" { description = "Whether instances with public IP addresses get corresponding public DNS hostnames. Required as True for VPC endpoint usage." type = bool default = true } variable "vpc_tags" { description = "Additional tags to add to the VPC and its resources." type = map(string) default = {} } # VPC Subnets variable "vpc_public_subnet_count" { description = "The number of public subnets to create. Cannot exceed the number of AZs in your selected region. 2 is more than enough." type = number default = 2 } variable "vpc_private_subnet_count" { description = "The number of private subnets to create. Cannot exceed the number of AZs in your selected region." type = number default = 2 } # KMS variable "kms_tags" { description = "Tags for the KMS key used to seal and unseal the Vault." type = map(string) default = {} } # DynamoDB variable "dynamodb_table_name" { description = "Name of the DynamoDB Table used for the Vault Storage Backend." type = string default = "vault_storage" } # EC2 - General variable "ec2_key_pair_name" { description = "Name of an existing EC2 Key Pair that exists in the same region as your vault deployment. Needs to be made separately." type = string } # EC2 - Bastion variable "use_lastest_ami" { description = "Whether or not to use the latest version of Amazon Linux 2. Defaults to false and uses a version that is known to work with this deployment." type = bool default = false } # EC2 - Vault Instance Launch Template variable "vault_instance_type" { description = "The EC2 instance size of the vault instances." type = string default = "t2.micro" } # EC2 - Vault Instance AutoScaling Group variable "vault_instance_count" { description = "The number of EC2 instances to launch as vault instances. Should be no less than 2." type = number default = 2 } # SSL Certificate for HTTPS Access variable "domain_name" { description = "Domain name for which you've provisioned an SSL certificate via AWS Certificate Manager. Example: secrets.examples.com. Do not include the protocol (i.e. https://)." type = string } # Allowed Traffic ## What IP Address ranges (via CIDR) are allowed to access your vault? variable "allowed_traffic_cidr_blocks" { description = "List of CIDR blocks allowed to access your vault. Defaults to EVERYWHERE. You should probably limit this to your organization IP or VPC CIDR." type = list(string) default = [""] } variable "allowed_traffic_cidr_blocks_ipv6" { description = "List of IPv6 CIDR blocks allowed to access your vault. Defaults to EVERYWHERE. Set to an empty list if not required." type = list(string) default = ["::/0"] } ## What IP Address range can access your bastion server? variable "allowed_bastion_cidr_blocks" { description = "List of CIDR blocks allowed to access your Bastion. Defaults to EVERYWHERE. You should probably limit this to your organization IP or VPC CIDR." type = list(string) default = [""] } variable "allowed_bastion_cidr_blocks_ipv6" { description = "List of CIDR blocks allowed to access your Bastion. Defaults to none." type = list(string) default = [] } # Operator Mode ## Turning this on will enable NAT and Bastion to access the Vault Instances variable "operator_mode" { description = "Enable a NAT Gateway and Bastion for operator access into the Vault Instances." type = bool default = true } # Private Deploy ## Turning this on will make it so that the Vault Deployemnt is only available through VPC peering variable "private_mode" { description = "Whether or not the Vault deployment should be private." type = bool default = false } ## A VPC in the SAME AWS Account and REGION as your Vault deployment. The VPCs MUST have "enable dns hostnames" active AND cannot use the same CIDR block as the Vault VPC. variable "peered_vpc_ids" { description = "A list of of a VPC IDs that can access the Vault VPC and thus access vault privately." type = list(string) default = [] }